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How Content Writing and Blogging Help Search Engine Optimization

Everyone says content is extremely important for SEO. But why? Here we examine Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Google as the primary example.

Reading Time:4 mins February 5, 2013

Everyone says content is extremely important for SEO. But why? Here we examine Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Google as the primary example. However, these factors also affect other search engines. Despite the numerous tweaks in the Google algorithm, the Google motor is powered by the gasoline known as text. Despite the very clever technical and programming techniques Google employs, it is still a program being used to provide you with a search engine.

The Basics of Search Engines

A program can read only programming code, so it converts text into code of its own that is then (in a roundabout way) is turned into programming code that the Google algorithm can read. Text is very easily turned into programming code, whereas images, video and sound cannot be read. There are even programmable elements such as JavaScript apps that cannot be read. Therefore, the search engine creates variables and rules to compensate, but text is the main focus of search engines. Even images are indexed depending upon their title, description and ALT text (the search engine never actually sees the picture).

Content Writing

There are a lot of guidelines and rules that Google has put in place for web content. Their aim is for websites to create useable and worthwhile content. They want every search to produce usable and high-quality results. If they can achieve this, then more people will use Google.

Unique and high-quality web content is something Google demands of its website. Simply having unique content will go a long way to optimizing your site. However, to make the most of it, you should make sure that it is well-structured with good grammar and spelling. The text should flow.


Blog Super Hero

Your blog posts must still be reasonably good with grammar and spelling, although it does not matter as much as it does when creating web content. Blog posts are more about generating traffic than they are serving a particular purpose. However, you should be aware that blogs with a defined use are often more heavily attended.

Blogs are able to filter traffic to a website. They may use links to get people to go there directly, or the blog may use written persuasion to make the reader want to research into the company and find their products.


Links are good for two reasons. They drive direct traffic to your website, and they increase the SEO value of the website they point towards. Direct traffic comes through people reading your blogs and articles online and following the links to your website. You can even encourage people to visit your site with a call to action.

Links will also improve your website’s SEO. A link is like a vote of approval, so the more domains that point to your web pages, the more esteem they appear to have and the higher they rank.

Anchor Text

Text comes into play again with links. When you embed a link within some text, it is called anchor text. The text has a very nice SEO value if it describes the page it points towards. Even a word or two is better than adding a URL on its own. The better that this anchor text describes the landing page, the higher the SEO value. If you are optimizing your website for certain keywords, it may be a good idea to add those keywords into the anchor text.

Surrounding Text

It is not just the anchor text that has distinct SEO value. The text surrounding the anchor text also has an effect on your website’s optimization. If the text surrounding the anchor text has some sort of relation to the landing page, the link is seen as even stronger. If you decide to start blogging, it is a good idea to blog about a subject that is related to your website. In that way you will be able to create blog posts that are likely to be related to the web pages you link them to. You will also be more likely to attract targeted traffic, which will be more willing to follow the direct links to your website.


Links are seen as stronger if they are around for a long time. If you create a blog post and online articles, you control how long the link stays active. If you keep the articles and blog posts online, you will not have to worry about a third party breaking your links. If you control the content, then you control when the links break.

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About The Author: Korah Morrison

This post was written by Korah Morrison, writer on that helps students to write essays of any complexity. She writes about SEO, blogging, social media, internet marketing and other tips.


Anthony Mcloughlin

“If you are optimizing your website for certain keywords, it may be a good idea to add those keywords into the anchor text.” Be careful of over optimisation – Remember Google penguin?

Reply to Anthony
Craig Kilgore

@Anthony Mcloughlin Completely agree with you on this one. You don’t want to ignore your keywords by any means but as you stated, you want to watch out for over optimization as well. Thanks for reading and for sharing your comment.

Reply to Craig

@Anthony Mcloughlin Of course, over-optimization is as overeating – never useful =) I wrote an article about it for another resource

Reply to korahmorrison
Web Development Services in India

@Anthony Mcloughlin I will like to add one more point for the content, the content present on the website or blog should be very informative and of a very good quality to stand out infront of the audience as well as the search engines, it should be drafted to get dual benefit of enjoying incoming visitors also good rankings with the SERPs.

Reply to Web
internet fax

Google is very particular to fresh contents. If your website has good and fresh content Google will prioritize your website.

Reply to internet
Flow Meters

Such a great information about content writing. I really happy to read about this. it is very informative post for me……

Reply to Flow

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