Mainstreethost Digital Marketing Blog Mainstreethost Digital Marketing Blog

December 2016 Roundup: 16 Notable Digital Marketing Stats

Check back at the end of each month for the next collection of important facts and statistics.

December 29, 2016

It’s almost the last day of 2016, and this insane year is finally coming to a close. While the past 365 days have consisted of both good and terrible news, it’s safe to say that there was at least more good than bad that happened in terms of digital marketing.

Many social media platforms expanded their app capabilities and their audience, some of which happened within the past two months — like Facebook’s release of Live Map, Instagram’s adoption of live video, and Pinterest’s introduction of a “Tried It” button. Of course, social media’s role in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election had a large influence on the growth in users on each platform .

Mobile marketing has been a talked about topic recently, and statistics show that this year 70% of mobile users checked their smartphone before making an in-store purchase and 65% checked at the moment of purchasing.

Check out the Following Infographic for More Digital Marketing Stats and News from the past Month — Including a Bonus Section of Important News from the Whole Year!

And don’t forget to check back at the end of each month for our next roundup!

Digital Marketing Stats

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